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Site web de la Jeunesse Ouvrière Chrétienne Internationale (JOCI)
  1. Annie,

    Every Monday for years, you came to work in the IYCW archives alongside Marie-Rose and Marie-Paule. With discretion and efficiency.

    Every Monday, you would come in smiling, happy to continue helping the IYCW to which you dedicated so much of your life. With passion.

    Every Monday, you would bring cookies and other treats to share with the entire Secretariat team at break time. With generosity.

    Until Covid interrupted all those beautiful moments. With violence.

    Until the day you had to fight cancer. With courage.

    You have left us, and it is with a heavy heart that we are sending you this message. Thank you, Annie, for your precious help, your comforting presence, your contagious smile and your sincere friendship. Thank you for everything. From the bottom of our hearts.

    (Editor's note: Annie was an activist with the Walloon YCW and then Vie Féminine. Alongside Marguerite Fiévez and other volunteers, she was one of the pillars of the team of archivists at the Walloon YCW and, later, at the International Secretariat of the IYCW).

  2. “It's been 3 years since I finished my university studies and it's hard for me to find a job, so we're making a living in the informal sector. Our government has no job creation policy, and Congolese youth is suffering enormously. To avoid falling into banditry, I've opted for entrepreneurship: I buy clothes and sell them on the Internet. This allows me to live and take care of myself. To get a job, you need to belong to a political clan. If you're not involved in politics, it's hard to get a stable job.” - Testimony from a young man in DRC

    Congolese young people have the capacity to face up to difficult situations, as testified by this young man who, despite the situation in which he lives, manages to work. Nevertheless, as young people, they need to find alternatives and real solutions to their precarious situation. This is why the YCW is working to find solutions for a better future and a dignified life.


  3. The IYCW took part in the 112th session of the International Labour Conference from June 3 to 14, calling for the renewal of the social contract that will take us one step closer to a new society based on solidarity, peace and justice, where human dignity is at the heart of the economy.

    In our statement, we reaffirmed that we need a social contract that will secure safe and healthy working environments, access to social protection regardless of socio-economic backgrounds, including access to health, essential benefits and quality education for young workers.


  4. Various Catholic-inspired international organizations, trade unions, the ILO, religious congregations, grassroots associations, the IYCW and others gathered in Rome to give follow-up to the project "The future of work: Work after Laudato Si". A space that allowed us to reflect, with all those present, on the lives and situation of thousands of workers around the world, and on the importance of acting in favor of a dignified life.


  5. Historically, the International Week of Young Workers is one moment to celebrate our international solidarity and movement identity by demonstrating for our rights, celebrating our international campaigns and actions. This year was the same, the International Week of the Young Workers, organized by the International Young Christian Workers (IYCW), served as a platform for young workers from across the globe to come together online and exchange ideas, experiences, and strategies for addressing key issues such as gender equality, precarious work, unemployment, and informality of work. This year’s week-long event took place from April 25 to May 1, culminating in the celebration of Labor Day on May 1.



Sa, 07.09.24 Finanzausschuss II in Köln
Fr, 20.09.24 - So, 22.09.24 Aktionstage der CAJ Deutschland in Mannheim
Fr, 25.10.24 - So, 27.10.24 Leitungsrat in Holle: Haus Wohldenberg
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